History Prominent figures Museums Memorial houses Statues and busts Churches and monastaries
Hotels Hostels Bed and breakfast Campgrounds Others
Restaurants and coffee shops
Zoo Theatre Cinema Spa Parks Clubs Casinos
Access: By car By train

Bârlad: Railway station Bus station Taxi Car rentals

Județ: Railway stations Bus stations Taxi Car rentals
Prefecture County Council Town halls Decentralized services
Hospitals Individual practice Drug stores Beauty salons
Nurseries Kindergartens Private kindergartens Schools Highschools Colleges
Tourism Information Points Travel agencies

Churches and monasteries

  • 14684_3
    Church Sfântul Stelian

    Assumption Church is part of the ensemble – Professional School for Girls N. Rosca Codreanu, included in the List of Historical Monuments 2010 – VS LMI- A- B -06 728 II. The church was built in 1912 of brick thickness of 0.5m, (more…)

  • 415042881_2906309869525949_6357162839632675752_n
    Biserica Sfântul Gheorghe

    Built between 1817-1825, restored in 1857 and in 1925.
    St. George “in Barlad (built of wood at the end of the eighteenth sometime (more…)

  • IMAG6229
    Floresti Monastery

    Located at the edge of a beech forest, near the fountain creek Simila,

    in Floresti Vaslui County, with a history as eventful as that of

    Moldova, with moments of glory but also decline Monastery Floresti (more…)

  • The Assumption of the Virgin Mary Orthodox Church

    The Assumption of the Virgin Mary Orthodox Church is located in the center of city of Bârlad, on Republicii Boulevard. In 1636, on the place of another older church founded by the (more…)

  • Biserica de lemn Sfântul Nicolae
    The Wooden Church of St. Nicholas

    In the village Cetățuia, commune of Puiești, there is one of the oldest churches in the (more…)

  • Romano Catolica Bun
    The Catholic Queen of St. Rosary Church

    The Catholic Queen of St. Rosary Church, with its shriveled plank fences, was also watching at the same time at the little market of vegetables and other products, where those who (more…)


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