History Prominent figures Museums Memorial houses Statues and busts Churches and monastaries
Hotels Hostels Bed and breakfast Campgrounds Others
Restaurants and coffee shops
Zoo Theatre Cinema Spa Parks Clubs Casinos
Access: By car By train

Bârlad: Railway station Bus station Taxi Car rentals

Județ: Railway stations Bus stations Taxi Car rentals
Prefecture County Council Town halls Decentralized services
Hospitals Individual practice Drug stores Beauty salons
Nurseries Kindergartens Private kindergartens Schools Highschools Colleges
Tourism Information Points Travel agencies


The city of Bârlad is positioned along the European road E581 and directly connected with all the large cities in the southern and northern part of the country.

Bus Station Bârlad
Address : Street General Vasile Milea Nr. 1
Telephone : +40.235.414.121
Departure Arrival : www.autogari.ro/barlad
: www.mersulautobuzelor.ro/romania/barlad

(page traffic)


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